Good Girls, the NBC crime comedy-drama, premiered on February 26, 2018 and concluded on July 22, 2021. Throughout its five season run, the critically acclaimed…
Netflix has blessed Manifest fans with a new sneak peek. During last week’s Geeked Week, actor Josh Dallas (a.k.a. Ben Stone in Manifest) shared a…
All American, The CW’s award-winning sports drama, is currently airing its fourth season on the television network. Previous seasons of the show have been released…
Snowfall, FX’s American crime drama television series, is currently airing its fifth season, leaving fans wondering if the series will continue for season 6. The…
The 100 season 8 has been at the forefront of the series’ fans’ minds since the conclusion of season 7. The post-apocalyptic television series has…
Sex Education, one of the engrossing Netflix original series, is about to return on the streaming platforms. The production and filming of Sex Education season…
Pennyworth Season 2 is supposed to set the best foundation that will eventually give birth to Batman’s roots. It’s going to showcase DC’s greatest character,…